Golden Jubilee of five sisters in Colombia

Sr. Luz Amparo Rico, Justa Vargas, Maria Cecilia Moncada, Marta Luz Gómez y Amparo García, celebrated their 50 years of religious consecration on January 6. In the same celebration, was the renewall of Edith Amparo Jaramillo. The Eucharist took place in Nuestra Señora de los Dolores parish, in Sabaneta, Medellín. Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix from… Continue reading Golden Jubilee of five sisters in Colombia

Silver Jubilee of Sr. Rani Thomas, Sony Thomas y Ruby Joseph

On December 30, tSr. Rani, Sony y Ruby celebrated in the community of Mysore, India, their twenty-five years of consecration to the Lord. Sisters, priests, family and friends were present at this celebration of thanksgiving for the vocation and fidelity of the sisters.

Perpetual Profession of Sr. Taloni Sabar y Sheal Lukose

On December 28 in Mysore, India, Sr. Taloni Sabar and Sheal Lukose made their Perpetual Vows.

Perpetual Profession of Sr. Miriam Manyengo

On August 8, Sr. Miriam Manyengo made her Perpetual Profession in the chapel of the community of Piedralaves, Ávila.

Silver Jubilee of Sr. Mariet Agustine

Sr. Mariet Augustine, currently in the community of Ricla, Zaragoza, celebrated her 25th anniversary as a Missionary of Mary Mediatrix.