Mini Chapter celebration in Malawi.
Malawi celebrates the mini-chapter

Mini Chapter celebration in Malawi.
The Chapter’s motto will be present in these next six years
Sisters of the Pavia communities with Sr. Lilly Michael
Living the experience of the X General Chapter in Colombia
Sharing the experience of the X General Chapter in Werlte and Delmerhost communities.
Most. Rev. Rev. Prakash Sagili, new bishop of the diocese of Khamman in the state of Telengana, India, receive the visit of the Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix from Budidampadu and Timeraopet communities. On April 9, Most. Sagili was consecrated as bishop of the diocese of Khamman after the retirement of Bishop Paul Maipan. Around 5.9%… Continue reading The Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix visit Most. Sagili, Bishop of Khamman diocese, India.
Eighty-four a day like today, Mother Rosario felt that the Spirit of the Lord took her out from the bed where she was prostrated and pushed her along unknown paths with one purpose: to make a missionary congregation a reality. Inspired by the Acts of the Apostles, especially the lifestyle of the early Christian communities,… Continue reading Remembering the healing of Mother Rosario
On January 19, Sr. Celina Seoane left for the Father’s house.
Five new novicies in India
On the day of Ephifany in 1937, Mother Rosario Fernandez Pereira, a cloistered Dominican in the Belvis convent, in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, received from the Lord the gift of guiding her to start a Congregation that lives the love for one another. Along with her, the support and closeness of the Dominican Father Esteban… Continue reading Celebration of 6 January