The Delegates to the X General Chapter arrive to Piedralaves

During these days the delegates will be arriving at Piedralaves, where the remains of our Foundress, Rosario Fernandez Pereira, and our co-founder Esteban Gonzalez Vigil, rest. Until May 6, when they will move to Ávila, they will be in this house opened in 1952 and which for many years was the formation house.

Sr. Marian Billiat, Jessy Augustine, Teresa Sosa, Lissy Joseph y Achamma Sebastian.
Sr. Luciola Arcila, Lucelly Franco, Norelia Gómez (standing), Berenice Palacio y Alicia Londoño (sitting).
Sr. Aleykutty Joseph, Leelamma Thomas, Mercy Gregory, Annie Aramathu, Lilly Michael, Valsamma Lukose, Rosemin Joseph and Vijaya Maddela and Daliya Joseph (sitting)