Tado: Choco

Tadó is a town in the Department of Chocó, located on the Pacific coast, of Afro-American culture;

Cordoba: San Pelayo

San Pelayo is located on the Atlantic coast of Colombia, in the Department of Cordoba, its people are very welcoming, cheerful and simple, with a great desire to excel.


The Congregation has been present in Colombia since January 4, 1964. It currently has 7 communities.

Ricla: Zaragoza

On September 3, 2013, three sisters of the Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix, arrived in this town, at the nursing home “Nuestra Señora Del Pilar”, of the foundation Dña. Clara Castellanos;

Pontevedra: Borreiros

Located in the house owned by the Congregation, which belonged to the Fernández Pereira family.

Madrid: Nursery – Villaverde

Nursery School “Nuestra Señora del Rosario” (Our Lady of the Rosary)

Madrid: Felipe Pingarrón – Villaverde

Located in Felipe Pingarrón Street, started as a house in 1987.

Madrid: Mejia Lequerica

Founded in 1970.

Madrid: General House

Located in Barrio Batan since 1971. The sisters of the General Government live there;

Avila: Piedralaves

It is the first house where the sisters lived when they left the enclosure of Bayona (Pontevedra) in 1951.