Madrid: Nursery – Villaverde


Since 1964, the Congregation has had a presence in the Villaverde Alto neighborhood. It was a town of prefabricated shacks, its inhabitants mostly gypsies, with a high rate of marginalization, low literacy level, because of the few possibilities of study, unpaved streets, no water or electricity, all the possibilities for drugs, alcoholism and corruption.
A nursery school was started, motivated by the Ministry of Labor, which took care of the construction and gave some salary.

With the passage of time the neighborhood changed and the nursery school has had its stages of growth and scarcity of economic means.
Currently, we only have children from zero to three years of age, that is, the first basic cycle. Fortunately, there are many requests from families to receive their children, due to the quality of reception and attention given to the children, the level of training of the educators and service personnel, the facilities, which are optimal, and the follow-up and relationship with the children’s families.
The sisters participate in all the activities of the parish, in the care of immigrants who come to the house in search of support, listening, asking for food and work, everything is necessary for those who have nothing or very little.

Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix

Nursery School “Ntra. Sra. del Rosario”.
C/ Puebla de Sanabria 20
Villaverde Alto
28021 MADRID
Tel: 91-7962818