Opened in 1992, it is the novitiate house where the future Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix are formed.
Mysore: Karnataka

Opened in 1992, it is the novitiate house where the future Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix are formed.
It is the first missionary community of the Congregation founded in India, in the State of Andra-Pradhes, and was opened in 1975 by Mother Foundress Rosario Fernandez.
This was the first community of the Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix in India opened in 1975, and was opened as a Novitiate house.
Orissa is one of the poorest states in India. The sisters are fully committed to development work with these people.
Orissa is one of the poorest states in India. The sisters are fully committed to development work with these people.
This house was built in 2004 as the headquarters of the Delegation of India and as a house of welcome and meeting place for all the sisters who, for various reasons, come to this place.
This house was purchased from PIME’s parents in 1985.
The Congregation has been present in India since 1975.
There are 20 communities in the Delegation of India.