Gumuda: Orissa

The sisters work in the school “La Casa de los Angeles” for mentally handicapped children;

Lilongwe: Mary Mediatrix

Mary Mediatrix Formation House in Lilongwe

First Profession of the novices Apronia Mahowe and Stella Mkwazalamba

Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix in Malawi

Sr. Gladys Restrepo rests in the Lord

On January 25, Sr. Gladys Restrepo joined the celestial community.

Sr. Celina Seoane joins the celestial community

On January 19, Sr. Celina Seoane left for the Father’s house.

Five girls begin the novitiate in India

Five new novicies in India

Malawi celebrates the Ephifany

The four communities of the Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix in Malawi celebrated the Ephifany on January 7, remembering the inspiration that Mother Rosario received from God to start a new Congregation in the Church to live the fraternal love. Sisters, novices, postulants and aspirants gathered in the formation house in Lilongwe, the country’s capital, to… Continue reading Malawi celebrates the Ephifany

Celebration of 6 January

On the day of Ephifany in 1937, Mother Rosario Fernandez Pereira, a cloistered Dominican in the Belvis convent, in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, received from the Lord the gift of guiding her to start a Congregation that lives the love for one another. Along with her, the support and closeness of the Dominican Father Esteban… Continue reading Celebration of 6 January

Golden Jubilee of five sisters in Colombia

Sr. Luz Amparo Rico, Justa Vargas, Maria Cecilia Moncada, Marta Luz Gómez y Amparo García, celebrated their 50 years of religious consecration on January 6. In the same celebration, was the renewall of Edith Amparo Jaramillo. The Eucharist took place in Nuestra Señora de los Dolores parish, in Sabaneta, Medellín. Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix from… Continue reading Golden Jubilee of five sisters in Colombia

Silver Jubilee of Sr. Rani Thomas, Sony Thomas y Ruby Joseph

On December 30, tSr. Rani, Sony y Ruby celebrated in the community of Mysore, India, their twenty-five years of consecration to the Lord. Sisters, priests, family and friends were present at this celebration of thanksgiving for the vocation and fidelity of the sisters.