Tado: Choco

Tadó is a town in the Department of Chocó, located on the Pacific coast, of Afro-American culture; an extremely poor region. It is rich in gold, but the wealth it produces hardly reaches its people, as it is the large exploration companies that benefit from this economy.

Founded on January 22, 1988, through the mediation of Bishop Gustavo Posada of the Diocese of Istmina (Choco).
With the purpose of inserting ourselves in a place of mission to share and help the poorest and neediest in education, parish ministry in all its breadth.

The apostolate began, very difficult due to the idiosyncrasy of the people, but little by little the sisters were gaining the affection of the people; they took responsibility for the Educational Institution “Nuestra Señora de la Pobreza”, with very poor premises and a great number of needs.
With the development of projects and the work of each sister, an adequate physical plant for educational work has been achieved.
Sewing and other technology workshops have been organized with the help of manos Unidas.

An evening school has been opened for adult education coordinated by the sister who directs the Institution. The Institution is currently managed and coordinated by government personnel.
The sisters participate in the parish and social pastoral work of the town and its villages, visiting families, the sick and, in a special way, caring for the elderly with limited resources, in a “Home for the Elderly” project that is being initiated.

The sisters run the “San José” home for elderly people without economic resources and abandoned by their families.
This work began in a rented house in very poor condition.
Currently with the help of Marta Noriega and collaborators, who made the project and presented it to several institutions in the Principality of Asturias, the construction of the nursing home is underway to give these elderly people quality of life.
The Municipality of Tadó provided the land for construction. The whole town collaborates to support this work.

Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix

Cural House
Tadó (Chocó)
Colombia S.A.