It began in 1980 at the invitation of Msgr. Alfonso Beretta, Italian, PIME, Bishop of Warangal, to work in the leper hospital.
In addition to the Hospital for lepers, it is also a General Hospital, there is daily consultation with a doctor; there is a boarding school with an elementary school for the children of lepers and other very poor children of the place. The sisters carry out pastoral and social work with the elderly and children. This town has been formed by people coming from other places. At present, the leper hospital has become a home for elderly people without economic resources, since according to the Government, leprosy is extinct in India.
Three sisters work at the Hospital for AIDS patients, where they also care for a group of 30 HIV-positive children.
Maria Mediatrix Convent
(Karunapuram Hospital)
Peddapendial P.O 506151
Warangal, DT.