Madrid: Felipe Pingarrón – Villaverde

Located in Felipe Pingarrón Street, started as a house in 1987.
The specific purpose is the attention to poor families in the neighborhood, a service that is provided mostly through Caritas Parroquial where a sister puts her time, effort and sacrifice not only in an office hours but daily and without time limit because people with emergencies do not accommodate schedules or days and the needs arise and sometimes you can not wait.
The whole community is involved in this task, as people come home and present their needs as they need them.
The sisters participate in the care of mothers of hope (who have their children on drugs); and other social and parish pastoral activities; guidance and accompaniment of women who are in prison with children under six years of age and who come to foster homes; service in various canteens for immigrants and a listening center for young people who come to Madrid in search of work.

Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix

C/ Felipe Pingarrón 3-1ºC
Villaverde Alto
28021 MADRID
Tel: 91-7960291