It is an agricultural village, the same as all the surrounding villages and from where the children come to school and boarding school; its main source of income is rice, cotton, chili pepper, corn; there are also herds of goats, sheep and buffalo.
The sisters have a small boarding school of children from the farthest reaches of the mission, belonging to various tribes and castes.
Here a sister is dedicated to social work: at the moment she has a micro-credit program with women; the people are very poor, they live on daily wages, especially from the harvesting of chili peppers and rice. Salaries are very low.
The community is completely dedicated to teaching in the school; all education is in English. In this school, teaching begins in pre-school and ends in class 10.
The school belongs to the Diocese of Kamon.
Maria Mediatrix Convent
Thimmeraupet P.O 507168
Khanmmam Dt. Telengana INDIA