During these days the Chapter Delegates have listened to the most relevant events and happenings of the Congregation in the last six years. It has been a journey through the life and mission of the communities, their achievements, joys, enthusiasm and desire to grow as missionaries. It is also an opportunity to recognise the areas in which we must continue to grow.
Sr. Mercedes Arbesú presented the Report of the General Governing Body, introducing it from the current world and ecclesial context, saying that “these past six years have been marked by the COVID 19 pandemic and what it meant at the social, health and also spiritual level. Our lives have a before and after the pandemic that affected the whole planet”.

“At the beginning of this X General Chapter, I hope that “the motto “rooted in Christ, radiant in love, journeying in hope” will be lived from the depths of the heart of each one of us”.
She asked again “to live united, assuming our Charism of fraternal love, looking at those who are next to us with eyes of mercy and forgiveness, knowing that their weaknesses are also mine”.
The Congregation has 205 sisters and 46 communities in countries like Germany, Colombia, Spain, Honduras, India, Italy and Malawi.

After the presentation of the General Report, the reports of the Province of India were read by Sr. Lilly Michael, and from the Delegation of Colombia by Sr. Berenice Palacio.
The reading of the administrative reports for this six-year period was a moment to thank the Lord for his protective hand and for the presence of organisations and friends whose support helps us to carry out our projects.

Sr. Adela Miranda read the report of the general administration; Sr. Rosemin Joseph, on behalf of Sr. Soji Joseph, administrator of the Indian Province and Sr. Berenice Palacio, on behalf of Sr. Nubia Amparo Lopera, administrator of the Colombia Delegation.