New Governing Team in Colombia Delegation

Sr. María Lucelly Franco Ochoa has been appointed by the General Governing Team following a survey done in the Colombian Delegation as delegate for the 2025/2027 term.

From left to right, Sr. Lucelly Franco, delegate, Sr. Amparo García, vicar, Sr. Norelia Gómez, councilor, and Sr. Marta Alicia Quintero, councilor.

Along with Sr. Lucelly, the team iis formed by Sr. Amparo del Socorro García Marín, vicar, María Norelia Gómez Mazo, counselor, and Marta Alicia Quintero Osorio, counselor.

Sr. Mercedes Arbesú, Superior General (left) with the new Geverning Team and Sr. Berenice Palacio, administratorr (seated), and Sr. Olga Restrepo, secretary (right).

Sr. Olga del Socorro Restrepo Restrepo and Sr. Aura Berenice Palacio Restrepo will support and assist the new team as secretary and treasurer, respectively.

The Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix arrived in Colombia on January 4, 1964. They currently have seven communities in the departments of Antioquia, Córdoba, Cundinamarca, Arauca and Chocó.