During these days we have travelled through the places where the Congregation was born and grew up. We started in Bayonne, passing by the house where Mother Rosario lived and was cured of her illness. We continued through the streets that led her, together with the first young women who joined her, to the first convent and we approached the collegiate church of Santa María, the church where she went to Mass.

Then we went to Borreiros, six kilometres from Bayonne, where Mother Rosario was born and died. There we walked through the places where she walked, especially the entrance to the house, the chapel where she prayed and the room where she died. It was an encounter with the environment where Mother Rosary’s vocation took shape and with the time she spent in that community in the years before her death.

Also a look at the work that the community of the Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix is doing there in San José Nursery School and the Day-care Centre for elderly people.

Trip to Santiago de Compostela to visit the cathedral, embrace Santiago and visit the cloistered Dominican monastery of Belvís where Mother Rosario stayed from 14th June 1926 until she left on 7th January 1939 on sick leave. And while in Santiago, a visit to the convent of Belvís, to contemplate the Virgin of the Portal to whom the Foundress was so devoted and to greet the Dominican Mothers who always remember Mother Rosario and her daughters with affection.