Inaugurated on October 28, 2006.
Lilongwe: Amai María

Inaugurated on October 28, 2006.
Through the White Fathers (Missionaries of Africa) we got in touch with a Spanish priest who was on vacation and residing in Malawi
They were asked by the White Fathers and supported by Bishop Chimole to organize another mission in a very abandoned, poor and extensive area, with people displaced from their land by the construction of the airport in that place.
It was a dream of the Mother Foundress to see the Congregation implanted in Africa. It was for other sisters as well. This dream came true in 1986.
Diocese of Vishakapatanam, Andra Pradesh State. Mission run by the Salesians (SDB fathers) for street children.
The sisters work in the school “La Casa de los Angeles” for mentally handicapped children;
This house was opened in Peddapendial in 1993 with the purpose of being a boarding school for girls, with the main idea of promoting women through education.
It is located in the south of India, in the State of Tamil Nadu, its official language is Tamil.
Chemperi is located in southern India, in the State of Kerala, Kannur district. Diocese of Tellicherry.
This house was opened in 2007. The main objective of this community is the formation of young girls who feel inclined to religious life.