Golden Jubilee of Sisters Alice, Mary and Leelamma
Golden Jubilee of Srs. Leelamma Thomas, Mary Kuriakose and Alice Kaithakal

Golden Jubilee of Sisters Alice, Mary and Leelamma
Mini Chapter in Manimmala, Kerala
In July 2023, the community of Takimagre was opened at the invitation of the Bishop of the Diocese of Tura in Meghalaya State to collaborate in elementary school and direct evangelization. Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix Takimagre Village, Rajabala Parish West Garo Hills, Tura 794001 Meghalaya, North East. INDIA
This community located in the state of Tamil Nadu was opened as a prayer house and retreat center for the Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix who needed a time of profound encounter with the Lord in the silence of prayer. It is a place of encounter with nature and with the Lord where many people also… Continue reading Ave Maria: Gudalur
Located in the state of Telangana, in the diocese of Warangal, the sisters work in an area with few Catholics and coordinate the school attended by students of all religious denominations. In July 2022, the area where the mission is located suffered a flood due to heavy rains and the rupture of one of the… Continue reading Manthani
Invited by the Claretian Missionaries, in July 2019, a new community started in Ziro, state of Arunachal Pradesh, in northwest India. The sisters collaborate in a boarding school and in the offices of the technical college to which they belong and also in the pastoral activities of the area. Mary Mediatrix Convent
Mary Mediatrix Convent
The sisters work in the school “La Casa de los Angeles” for mentally handicapped children;
On December 30, tSr. Rani, Sony y Ruby celebrated in the community of Mysore, India, their twenty-five years of consecration to the Lord. Sisters, priests, family and friends were present at this celebration of thanksgiving for the vocation and fidelity of the sisters.
On December 28 in Mysore, India, Sr. Taloni Sabar and Sheal Lukose made their Perpetual Vows.