Golden Jubilee and renewal of vows in the Delegation of Colombia

Golden Jubilee of Srs. Rosa Margarita Ríos and Sr.Teresa Emilia Villegas, and renewal of vows of Sr. Edith Amparo Jaramillo

New Governing Team in Colombia Delegation

New Governing Team in Colombia Delegation for the 2025/2027 time

Perpetual Profession of Sr. Dibya Sabar y Jyothi Dumala

Sr. Dibya and Jyothi together with Sr. Lilly on the day of her Perpetual Profession.

First Profession of five novices in India

Five new Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix

Perpetual Profession of Sr. Digna and Cinthia in Honduras

Las hnas. Digna y Cinthia en su Profesión Perpetua

Sr. Digna and Cinthia in their Perpetual Profession


We carry out our service in rural and health pastoral, direct evangelization, care for children in the nursery.