Budidampad: A.P

It is the first missionary community of the Congregation founded in India, in the State of Andra-Pradhes, and was opened in 1975 by Mother Foundress Rosario Fernandez.
There is a boarding school with 120 girls, three sisters work in the school and one works in a micro-credit project to help the women create a small family business to raise the economic level of the family. They also have a loom where they make sheets, towels and bedspreads; this is a very rudimentary loom, everything is done by hand, as well as the dyes and colors.
There is a high school in local language (Telegú), its classrooms were enlarged with the help of Manos Unidas; English language education is being initiated. The Javier Oriol Foundation has been supporting the boarding school and the teachers’ salaries for several years. A sister regularly visits the villages with the local animators of the Diocese, they do motivation and health, pastoral and social awareness.
There has been a lot of change in the locality, especially in the families with the presence of the sisters, many tensions and conflicts have been overcome, people are more receptive, more aware of the need for study for their children, of the need to form stable homes and of the risk involved in drugs and negligence at work; the population is very poor; they live on daily wages; most of the people work for others in the rice fields and in the collection of chilli peppers.

Maria Mediatrix Convent
Budidampad. P.O. 507112
Komenapally. S.O
Khamman DT.