In the town of Werlte you can study the entire high school, there are three kindergartens and two retirement homes.
On December 26, 2013, three sisters of the Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix arrived in Werlte from India; for four months they studied German, and on April 30, 2014, they began their mission at St. Mary Mediatrix nursing home in Werlte. Raphael. Together with other employees, they care for 56 elderly people who need to be provided with all kinds of care.
The Province of India has put a lot of enthusiasm and commitment into this mission outside the territory of India. Through their testimony, the sisters try to transmit God’s love to these needy people.

Werlte, belongs to the district of Emsland in the state of Nordweten, Germany. Werlte, has 9600 inhabitants, Meppen is the nearest town at about 45 km. It belongs to the diocese of Osnabruck. The Evangelical and Pentecostal churches are also present.
Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix Sisters
Alten und plegeheim
St. Gallen. Raphael. Stift
Haupts strasse
49757 Werlte – Emsland