After ten days in Piedralaves, on 6th May we arrived in Avila at the International San Juanista Centre where from 8th May, feast of Mary Mediatrix, until 28th May we will celebrate the X General Chapter.
On the way to Avila, we stopped at the sanctuary of Sonsoles, four kilometres from the city, to present all the sisters of the Congregation and to ask for the intercession of Our Mother Mary, in the invocation of Sonsoles.
Today we visited the monastery of the Encarnación and the museum of Saint Teresa. An encounter with the determined Saint who travelled through the roads and with what she means in the history of the Church. We were accompanied on this visit by Carme Molist, Carmelite Vedruna, and Fiona D’Cruz, Carmelite Missionary, who will help us in the chapter sessions with the translation into Spanish and English.
Father David Jiménez, Discalced Carmelite, gave an overview of the life of St. Teresa, her foundations, above all her spirituality. Through the history of this woman, who made the friendship with Jesus and the humility her way of life, we have entered into the world of prayer and the encounter with the Lord. Undoubtedly a good start to begin our Chapter tomorrow in this city of Avila, full of history and saints.