This house was opened in Peddapendial in 1993 with the purpose of being a boarding school for girls, with the main idea of promoting women through education. The sisters of this community are fully dedicated to teaching in the two schools run by the same sisters of English Medium and Telegu Medium; there is also a boarding school with 313 girls, and one sister is dedicated full time to the care of the girls, assisted by two ladies employees; It is a work of formation and support to the women of this area that the sisters are carrying out in these schools and boarding schools; the girls are mostly from low castes and very poor, with these schools they are giving a push and a very big help for the valuation of women in the area.
The sisters also collaborate in catechesis in nearby villages and visit prisoners in the Warangal jail.
Maria Mediatrix Convent
(Maria Rani School)
Peddapendial P.O. 506151
Warangal. Telengana